
Gift of Love Tree

Gift of Love Tree

The Gift of Love Tree has become a popular and wellsupported project of the Morrill County Hospital employees and the Hospital Foundation. The employees of Morrill County Community Hospital have been stuffing over 2500 envelopes with the letters that will be mailed out to every address in Morrill County asking for a small donation/card.

Girl Scouts question mayor and councilmen

Girl Scouts question mayor and councilmen

The Bridgeport City Council met in regular session on January 14, 2021 at the PWCC. The consent agent was passed, which approved the minutes of the Regular Meeting held December 10, 2020, as well as acceptance of the Monthly Treasurer’s Report, the resignation of James Hogsett from the Bridgeport Volunteer Fire Department, and the approval of the Mayor’s appointment of Gary Oltmann and re-appointment of Jack Berg and Jim Vassos to the Park Board.


Bridgeport News-Blade

PO Box 400
Bridgeport, NE 69336-0400
(308) 262-0675